Teaching and Learning

The Teaching and Learning Department is responsible for overseeing the content of curriculum taught in our schools, the teaching techniques used by our teachers, and the testing that shows how our students are doing. We strive to help all students realize their academic and human potential by determining curriculum, assessment, teaching, and extended learning options.

State Assessment Annual Notice 2023-24

The Oregon Department of Education publishes an annual notice regarding state assessments in English Language Arts and math. Please review the Annual Notice for Statewide Tests for information about why participation matters, the right to opt out, and test windows. 

Annual Notice - Spanish

Annual Notice - Russian

SEEDS Survey

Oregon state is requiring a new evaluation tool known as the SEEDS. SEEDS stands for Student Educational Equity Development Survey. To learn more, click here.

SEEDS Annual Notice and Survey Participation Form (English)

SEEDS Annual Notice and Survey Participation Form (Spanish)

SEEDS Annual Notice and Survey Participation Form (Russian)

Oregon City School District ESSER III Plan

On November 1 of each year, school district superintendents are to report to their local school board the district’s standing with respect to all Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools as set forth in Oregon Administrative Rules 581-022-2305. Districts are to post the report to their websites by November 15 of each year. Following that report, districts will complete and submit to the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) the annual Elementary and Secondary Schools Assurance Form by November 15 of each year.

2022-23 Division 22 Assurances for Oregon City School District

2021-22 Division 22 Assurances for Oregon City School District

2019-20 Division 22 Compliance Resolution for Oregon City School District

Dr. Sara Deboy, Assistant Superintendent

Office Address:
1417 12th Street, Oregon City, OR 97045

Mailing Address:
Oregon City School District, P.O. Box 2110, Oregon City, OR 97045

For comments and questions please contact: Amy Austin, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 503-785-8429
Fax: 503-657-2492
Email: amy.austin@orecity.k12.or.us